'Lifeblood'- Tulips, Big Flower Painting Oil on Canvas
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Title; Lifeblood
Size: 50x50cm print
Medium: Fine Art print on quality watercolor paper
(please email if you would like a quote for framed or canvas prints)
About this painting: ‘Lifeblood’ is a very big, bold canvas of two parrot tulips. Their curling petals undulate with tones of Magenta, golds & creams & red hues. It is a striking statement piece which brings a vibrant, positive energy into a room.
The process of painting 'Lifeblood', saw me through such an emotionally intense few weeks & kept me going during the grim grey weather & challenges of January. Bringing the tulips to life created warmth & vitality which lifted me up & brought hope.
The definition of lifeblood : 'the blood, as being necessary to life.
the indispensable factor or influence that gives something its strength and vitality.'
Pretty much sums it up. Without my art, the ability to get lost & find solace, joy, escape in creativity, I don’t think I’d survive. The effusive burst of Spring colour truly generates it's own strength.
The rampant energy of parrot tulip petals always speaks to me, their curls & folds so strong & lasting bring me warmth & energy. There are so many meanings & fascinating facts around tulips which I find so in line with what I need that they just had to be my first painting of this new year 2023. There is something so uplifting about these determined, hardy blooms, which withstand all weathers to bring colour & joy into our lives.
The tones of magenta, pinks & creams emit a positive energy to take the spirits on a journey of rejuvenation & hope.
January can be a time of reinventing ourselves & working out what we want a year too bring, but it’s also a time to breathe in deeply & leave behind the things which might cling in to drag us down. That striving to re-emerge clearer & stronger can be a difficult road, so the revitalising embrace of these glorious flowers is just what I’ve needed to hold me in a safe space to process thoughts, ideas & desires.
This canvas consumed me for weeks, many whole days painting & many nights of brushstrokes taking me through the witching hours of night into the dawn. I just couldn’t stop with this one, it was quite an emotional process.
I hope you like my first big flower painting for a few years now & wish it to send you its strength & courage for the year ahead.